Thursday, December 14, 2006

Alerts from Databases

Alerts to New Publications from Your Favorite Databases and Journals

In Graduate School, I was wicked jealous of a post-doc's doctoral days at MIT. Her cognitive science librarian would send her newly published articles to stimulate my friend's scholarly curiosity. The librarian did this not only for my friend, but for the entire faculty and graduate student population of her department

Well, life has changed. The library faculty has shrunk and the number of our liaison departments has grown. At the same time, however, electronic databases and e-journals have stepped in to send you alerts every time a new article is published that you might like.

How does it work? Well, after you decide on the appropriate database and the best search terms, save a search, and then you can have the database run that search for you every so often (usually, you decide the time period). E-journals will usually run the search after each issue is published. In your email, you receive an update or alert about the new articles published after your last search.

So, if you are awaiting the article of your favorite author, you can save an author search. Have the database automatically run it and then email the results to you.

For an explicit example, check out the tutorial about setting up an alert in CSA databases like Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts or LLBA or the one about setting up an alert in EBSCO databases like PsycINFO, Academic Search Premiere, or GLBT Life Full Text.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Maps and Atlases

The World Atlas of Language Structures! A Book a Linguist would LOVE

One day last year, I went home to visit my parents. My father had a book in his hand; he was beaming. "Merrie," he said, "you have to see this book. It's by John MacDonald." Honestly, I don't remember the author's name nor the name of the book. "It's called 'The Historical Atlas of the World 1625-1895.' You have to read it. Every word is a gem!"

"Oh." I said, thrilled. Someone in the world had found out about historical atlases! It's something that I fear only librarians know about. But Barnes & Noble had put one on its remaindered shelf and my father had found it for $10. Excellent! "That's great. I always try to get students to read those. Atlases are wonderful. In them time and space are superimposed so that folks can see where and when history took place."

My Dad was persistent. It was that particular book that was special. "This John MacDonald. Every word is important. You have to read it. I'm going back to find more of them!"

Well, let me tell you all. We have a fantastic NEW atlas in. If you're a linguist, it's probably the most fun you may ever have with an atlas: The World Atlas of Language Structures (LIBRARY WEST: -- Reference (3rd Floor) -- P143 .W67 2005 [In-Library Use]

It'll take you ages to look through the whole thing. There are articles about the typology of languages -- what grammatical and phonological features occur in which languages. Then the languages are literally mapped out.

And for those of us interested in signed languages, there are even two maps of 21 signed languages -- they are mapped by negative incorporation and question particles. Very cool!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Remote Logon

Logon from Home with the Virtual Private Network

Most of you know that you can access almost any of our databases or e-books from home. There are 2 different ways: the Library Proxy or the Virtual Private Network, each with a set of pros and cons. (You can link to them from the link in the upper right hand corner of most library pages -- in the blue stripe -- at the link "Remote Logon." But more about that later.)
Library ProxyVirtual Private Network (VPN)
Login each time you go to library pageDownload & install small piece of software to your computer
Must click on links to navigate through pagesThen, each time you return to the library website, open the software again and allow it to connect to the library proxy.
Using the back button or the address bar will knock you off the proxyCan navigate off library website and back on again
Can not link to databases from emails, WebCT, webpagesCan enter databases from other websites, email links, or software (EndNotes)

Basically, you have more freedom when using the Virtual Private Network and fewer concerns about being knocked off the proxy. Furthermore, it's actually more secure for the library. However, if you'll only use a particular computer once, you might still want to use the Library Proxy.

So here's the deal. Here's more information about the VPN -- at the upper, left-hand corner of the page. If you're convinced, download the VPN. You'll need your GatorLink ID and password. There are versions for Windows and MACs. Contact me with any questions you have. If I can't answer them, I'll find someone who can. And enjoy easy surfing through the library resources from home, Taiwan, or Iceland!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tests & Measures in PsycINFO

Find Tests, Measures and Inventories in PsycINFO

Another tip about finding Tests and Measures. When you get into PsycINFO, type in the domain of interest to you in the search box -- say, body image.
Then go to the Refine Search section below. Scroll down to the box "Classification Codes." Click on the selections

  • 2200 Psychometrics & Statistics & Methodology
  • 2220 Tests & Testing

(Use control from your keyboard and click with the mouse to click on both options.) This should bring up articles that have a strong focus on Tests and Measures in your field.

Here are the results from the Body Image search:
(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)
(I was thrilled to find out that this actually worked!)

Friday, November 10, 2006

ProQuest Black Studies Center!

The Schomburg Collection 74 Black Studies Journals The Chicago Defender in Full-Text (and even more)

We've had it for a few weeks. You might have checked it out already. If not, you're in for a great treat!

Faculty members, Graduate students, Undergraduates, Friends, Neighbors, Folks interested in fascinating stories. Do we have a database for you!

ProQuest's Black Studies Center includes one of the most comprehensive collections of the African Diaspora in the United States. Multidisciplinary essaies, an index of black studies journals, and over 1,000 full-text dissertations (yay!). It is lovely. It's just fun to play in, let alone do real work.

Before the digitalization, you would have to find a nice grant for a flight and hotel room, or a few dollars from your parents to hitch hike or ride in stinky bus stations and maybe sleep there so you could study. Then you'd have to find a blanket and sleep in the New York Public Library. But now you can stay in your own apartment, dorm, or friends' rooms in Gainesville and look up the material here in the library or on your computer at home.

The Schomburg Building at the NY Public Library is beautiful, but you probably don't want to sleep in the bus station too much. So use your computer, ours or your friends'.

You can perform a "quick search" by typing a few words in the upper left hand corner of the home page and then look at the the most interesting resources by format: essays, newspaper articles, journal articles, etc. The Black Studies center marks especially important, core articles that it considers "required reading" with a read star.

So have a good time looking through this amazing resource. You should find many different uses for it. Lots of material on language, socialization, psychology, mental health, life, love, where we are and where we've come from. Everything is here. It's a joy to have and I'm thrilled to pieces!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Reorganizing, Updating Subject Pages

What Resources do You Need? What would You Like to See?

When you glance at the subject guide pages for Psychology and Sociology, especially, can you guess where to go to start a search? To begin working on a paper? To get help? Doubt it. Your eyes glaze over. They're too crowded. It's like a dictionary where you have to know how to spell the word before you can get the spelling.

You have to know which database to use, before you can find the database to use.

So, I'm going to reorganize and update the subject pages.
The plan? I'm going to have separate pages for some of the specialities, like Aging and Counseling. A page for Tests and Measurements. One for Statistics. That way I can put lots of stuff on there for you to find on those topics. Also guides or suggestions on which databases to use for what.

But what would you like to see? I'd love to know -- from everyone -- faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and librarians. Thanks.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences

Looking for Tests, Measures, and Inventories in the Library? Here's an Index

Every week someone e-mails me wanting tests and inventories hoping to measure everything from anxiety to the quality of the relationship between people who work together.

A wonderful librarian, named Helen Hough, at Central Library at the University of Texas at Arlington indexed over 100 compilations that include tests, measures and inventories. It's set up as a live database, so you can type in the name (or subject) of the test you're interested in, and you'll get a list of results. Click on the one that looks most promising. Not only will you get a citation of the book, you'll also be told how much of the test is included.

So, for instance, if you're looking for the Acute Panic Inventory, type it in, plus "compilation volumes" as above. Then get Google results: (Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

In this case, click on the link -- it's for the Acute Panic Inventory. And this is the result you'll get. It says that the entire test is included. And also lists all of the other tests included in the book.
Sajatovic M & Ramirez LF (2001). Rating scales in mental health. Hudson, OH: Lexi-Comp. [62 instruments] UTA Location & call number (There's a link to look up the book in their library. It's nice for them, but not so helpful for us :-( If we don't have it, just ask to borrow it through ILL.

So just look up the book in our library catalog to see if we have it. In this case, it's at the Health Center Science Library (the Medical School Library) and can be checked out. Pretty cool! Made me happy when I found it.

[I'm delighted to add that Ms. Hough commented that there is "a lot more stuff in Refshare." That's the link above the Quick Search box. In that database she and her colleagues use RefWorks to gift us with even more information about the locations of tests and measures. When you get into Refshare, you can search for what you'd like by using the dropdown list under Search on the very left-most bit of the menu at the top of the page. (Choose Advanced -- That gives you the most options.) Again, enjoy yourselves!]

I mention the details about Ms. Hough because she has performed such a service to all of us. Thank you Ms. Hough. Thank you so much. You have already helped two of the librarians at the University of Florida within 2 days of finding out about your index. We grovel in thankfulness.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Journals in Print

Yes. Some Journal Articles are Only Available in Print. Still.

Some journals have yet to go online. Others haven't put their older files (backfiles in librarian lingo) online. In other cases, we've decided that buying duplicate sets in electronic format is an unwise use of our funds. Therefore, expect to need to look for some journals in print.

Recently, many students have asked me how to look for journal articles in print. Here is a lovely tutorial. Remember you have to search for the title of the journal, not the article in the library catalog.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Poetry Readings? Meetings? Public Space?

Starbucks Opens Monday! Let's Use the Library as a Community Space

For many of us, caffeine activates our minds and keeps our bodies awake for longer and deeper study. Plus it's tastier than ever. And the aroma! Just delightful! Cookies, pretzels, and music seduce us into Starbucks on the first floor of Library West.

Bring your covered drinks into the other areas of the library, but eat the foods down on the first floor -- below the escalator.

What do we want to do with those spaces? Poetry readings? Jazz clubs on Friday evenings? Meeting space for clubs? Other academic libraries in Universities and Colleges use their library cafe's as public community space.

If you have ideas, want to develop weekly or monthly meetings, let me know. See what we can dream up. And have a great time!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Using Google, Using the Web

Harvard's Guide to Using Google for Research

In a previous entry, I mentioned Google Scholar, but I failed to mention Google in general. As Harvard University's library states in its wonderful guide to using Google for research, the web hosts many useful resources for academic purposes, especially to find statistics and demographics. Authoritative labor, criminal justice, child abuse, and mental health statistics are all available from governmental and NGO websites.

However, it's important to sift through information and websites carefully. That's where Harvard University's guide is especially helpful.

Our library also suggest Internet Resources. And each Subject Guide includes internet resources, as well.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Subject Specific Encyclopedias

Finding a Topic? Narrowing a Topic? Need Info in a New Area? Look in an Encyclopedia

When you think of encyclopedias or dictionaries, you probably think of World Book, Britannica, or Websters. But we have encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks that focus on particular topics, with articles by eminent scholars, overviews, providing background to almost anything you need to know about. The reference citations lead you to core articles and conversations between scholars and researchers.

We have many encyclopedias online through the Gale Virtual Reference Library. You can search for topics through all of the articles in all of the encyclopedia we have online at the same time. Or you can browse through them individually by linking to them through the Library Catalog.
The Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood is one of my favorites.

We also have access to the Encyclopedia of Psychology published by the American Psychological Association. (It is browseable by volume only, so the link above only goes to the first volume.) In the next couple of months, we will buy the Encyclopedia of Sociology published by Blackwell and edited by George Ritzer.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sage Journals

Free Online Access to All Sage Journals Until October 18th, 2006

Sage Publications is trying to entice us to subscribe to more of their journals directly from them. We already subscribe to a very large number. Some we get directly from them, others through other vendors like Wilson Web or EBSCOhost. But, hey, why not take advantage of their offer by reading as many articles as possible between now and October 18th.

Go to their website and browse through their journals. If there is a journal you think we can't live without, please let me know. (You might want to check our catalog first. We really do subscribe to a large percentage of their journals.) You may discover hidden journals we have that few people use! One of my goals is to get folks to use our resources. If books lie around on shelves or e-journals float in the ether, the University is tossing your tuition and tax money away.


Download Citations Even from Google Scholar!

I tell you, some days libraries, the Internet, computers, software, and research just gets so exciting, I don't know how we can manage not to smile from ear to ear every minute. (Oh. Right. We read what the research says. Oops.)

Anyway, the library subscribes to RefWorks, citation management software that is online. Faculty, staff, and students can use it to keep records of books, journals articles, webpages, videos/DVDs, and just about anything else we use for research. Because the records are online, you don't need to worry about your harddrive getting corrupted, your laptop being stolen, or your card file catching on fire.

RefWorks has tutorials to help you set up your work. You can use RefWorks to organize your reading (and writing) in different folders, print out Works Cited pages in hundreds of bibliographic styles, and download searches directly from databases. It's downright amazing.

And now, you can download searches, or at least individual citations, directly from Google Scholar. Keffer Library at the University of St. Thomas has a very nice tutorial that shows you how to set your preferences in Google Scholar so you can download to RefWorks. (You can also download into other Citation Management software like EndNotes or ProCite, if you use those.)

By the way, Google Scholar searches scholarly journals and links directly to full text articles. It's quite nice. One drawback...We don't know which journals it searches. It does NOT search ALL of our journals. And many of the journals it searches we do NOT subscribe to. But we do have SFX linking, so you can see which we subscribe to electronically and which we have print subscriptions to. Use it. You'll like it!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oxford African American Studies Center

Online Reference Books, Primary Sources, Biographies, Essays, and Special Features

I'm thrilled to announce that the UF Libraries now have access to the Oxford African American Studies Center, an online multidiscliplinary reference database edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. of Harvard University.

Wander through the database. You can find biographies, primary sources, information about music and art, life and culture, history, business, just about anything. It's especially good for finding topics for papers and getting started with good background information for papers and presentations.

For example, browsing through the maps, I found a map of "Post-War Black Schools," along with a description of the Freedman's Bureau and its relationship to education. A list of related links (within the database) would led me to the following articles
Navigation is easy and fluid. A timeline guides the user through all aspects of the African Diaspora at once or specific aspects of it, including links to articles in the database. You can highlight any word or phrase in an article, click on "Look it up" at the top of the page. The phrase will move into the search box and it will be automatically searched.

Under "Links" on the black stripe at the top of the page, are excellent links to websites on other topics: dance in Africa and the African Diaspora, Black women writers, the Greensboro sit-ins, African Americans in the military, among others.

You can print out or email articles to yourself.

As usual, let me know what you think about this database -- positive and negative. If you're having problems finding something you feel must be in it, but is elusive, we might be able to find it together. There's another similar (but even more exciting) database in our near future. So keep your eyes here!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mental Measurements Yearbook & AgeLine

Mental Measurements Yearbook is Now Readable!

Mental Measurements Yearbook? Readable? What?

The Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) is a database of reviews of published psychological tests, inventories, measurements, and assessment tools (okay, those are all the same things). The record not only includes the review, but also the contact information, price, institutional support, development background, and theoretical background for the test.

Sounds great. Right? It's extremely helpful for students and faculty in several fields, including Psychology, Linguisitics, CSD, and Education. Not only can you find the Beck Depression Inventory, but also foreign language tests.

However, for the last few years the UF Library has subscribed to MMY through OVID, whose search interface is difficult to use. Worse yet, the full-text result had no paragraph breaks, so that a review on a test for proficiency in Hausa looked like this:

But, now, we're subscribing through EBSCO! The same article looks like this! With paragraph breaks! And everything!

Isn't that the greatest! It lessens the probabilities that I'll get a migraine trying to figure out what's going on! (To see the articles in detail, just click on them and the scans will open in their own windows.)

We've also started a new subscription to AgeLine through EBSCO now, rather than through SilverPlatter. This should also be easier to use. Please let me know if you need some guidance with either database.

Monday, September 18, 2006

e-Journal Articles

Finding e-Journal Articles from Databases

Are you in the middle of a search for articles and wonder why so few are full-text in your database? There must be more than 5 articles online about eating disorders! Golly!

Well, the UF Libraries subscribe to over 600 databases, most with full text articles that you can read in the comfort of your own bed without having to visit the library. (But we like you, so come visit occasionally. And...we have good chairs.)

If you are in one database, like Sociological Abstracts, but the article you want is in another database, JSTOR, clicking on the SFX button next to the citation will guide you to the full-text article. To see how to do this in more detail, look at the tutorial showing the steps.

On the other hand, if you know a journal you're interested in, from the Library's home page, look under the Find column (the 2nd column) and click on Journals. In the first box, type in the title of the journal you'd like:

Say, I'd like to get an article from Language from 2004.

The fourth record is for Language. You want an article from 2004, so Project Muse, not JSTOR, will have the article You want. So click on the link for Project Muse, browse through the listings there and find the article you want.

Of course, UF still owns some journals only in print. Print journals in Library West are on the 3rd Floor. Lots of journals for Psychology or Communication Science and Disorders, especially, are at the Health Science Center Library. Several Sociology Journals are at the Legal Information Center (Law School Library). The Education Library holds journals for all areas.

Many older journals are in storage or in microform. Use the online request form to request them.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wireless Laptops

Checking Out Wireless Laptops

Is it too noisy around the computer workstations for you? Are all the computers taken? Not to worry. The entire library is accessible to your wireless laptop. (Although the 4th floor may have a few dead spots. You might want to move around to look for a stronger connection.)

"Alas," you say, "I left mine at home." "Good grief," you mutter, "I have a husband and 2 babies and a desktop at home. You think I can afford a laptop as well?"

Still, no worries. You can check out a laptop at the circulation desk. Just present your Gator1 card and all will be well.

Areas at the periphery of the library, on the 4th floor, and on the graduate students' 6th floor are much quieter.

A web page should come up asking for the login as soon as you open a browser and try to connect to any page. It's on the left-hand side of the page in the blue column. You'll need to log into the network with your Gator1 account and password.

Then click on the "to browse the web click here" link in the center of the page.

There have been times when I've browsed few pages before the webpage asked for my login. Probably a cached page saved by my browser came up from an earlier visit here before the network noticed I was around.

Take care!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Citation Searching

Citation Searching: Finding Articles into the Future

One of the neatest databases available is Web of Science. If you have hung out in academia long enough, you might remember it as Social Sciences Citation Index. Each year, published as 3 or 4 hefty volumes. (Only for the Social Sciences edition. Every year there was also a Science edition and an Arts & Humanities edition, each having its own 3 or 4 volumes.)

Each volume, a weighty tome, with thin transulescent pages and the most minute printing possible. Scholars over a particular age might need to use a magnifying glass to scan down the columns of print. But it was a treasure trove. And the only way to find out what had been published AFTER. After the perfect article exactly on the topic you were interested in, but published 15 years ago. Surely someone had published since? How else could you look into the future from that article to today? Who else was publishing on the same topic? Perhaps the persons who had cited that perfect article.

Many databases, such as PsycInfo or Sociological Abstracts, allow "Times cited in the database," "Cited by" or similar possibilites. However, the "cited by" articles have to be in the same database. The Web of Science is multidisciplinary, including articles from over 22,000 journals, compared with just 2,000 journals covered by PsycInfo and 1,800 by Sociological Abstracts.

Web of Science also has a nice online tutorial to guide you through citation reference searching. Besides Overview, make sure you also click on, and read Cited Reference.

Another special feature of Web of Science: you can search for Related Records, meaning other articles that include the same citations in their Reference Lists. Web of Science assumes that if 2 articles share References, they're probably on the same topic. The more references they share, the closer the subject matter. When you click on the "Related Articles" link, articles are ranked by the number of shared references.

(Sometimes this is a bit wacky. I saw an article with 204 references. The original article listed 34 references. Even though the overlap included 7 papers, they were probably only rated highly related, because the 2nd article had so many references.)

Click on picture to enlarge

One cool feature not mentioned in the tutorial: you can analyze the citations to find out WHO is citing the article. Are the authors the only scholars who cite this article? Is there a small circle of scholars who cite this article, all from the same institutions as the author? Is the author internationally read? Has the article been cited continually since its publication or just for the following 2 years? Or has the article been recently picked up again after lying dormant for 15 years?

To use the ANALYZE feature, find the citations to the article you're interested in, then click on the analyze button next to the listed articles:

Click on picture to enlarge
And then choose how you want to rank the citing articles and how you want to sort the fields. (If you rank by date, sort by "selected fields." That way you'll get the results along a time line, instead of when the most papers were published, e.g., 1984, 1996, 1985, 1986, 1995, etc.)

Click on picture to enlarge

However, there are a few problems.The worst is that the citations are lifted directly from the references in the back of articles and books, meaning that there are many errors in the database. Expect to find errors of authors' names, publication dates, page and volume numbers, journal titles, etc. There are some guides to help you with this, but it is a definite problem.

The second problem is that you can really play for days in here, wandering around a winding road, leading off into lands of great interest that can distract you from your major focus. It might help to keep your topic statement somewhere nearby for those days when you absolutely have to get your work done and have no time for those more enticing bits of research play.

Good luck. Have fun. And contact me if you'd like some help or more information!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Library West and Changes in the Catalog

What is that Cryptic Note and Where has the Request Button Gone?

You might have noticed a new note in many of the entries in the library catalog:

LIBRARY WEST -- [A-Z Call Numbers in West; Request 0-999 from Storage] -- BF76.45 .R53 1997 [Regular Loan]

Click on picture to enlarge

Many students and faculty members have asked me, rather confused what it means.Luckily, I had already asked someone else, so I could tell them.

Almost all of the books in Library West are catalogued following the Library of Congress Classification system (LC system), what the note refers to as books in the "A-Z Call Numbers." These books are already in Library West. If they are in Reference, they are on the 3rd Floor. If they are in the circulating collection and can be checked out, they are on the 1st and 2nd Floor. In the library, you can get Floor Plans showing where books are located based on their call numbers.

Some of the books are still catalogued following the Dewey Decimal Classification system (Dewey system), what the note refers to as "0-999."

Click on picture to enlarge

These are still in storage. Some will be reclassified into the LC system and relocated into Library West. Others will be left in storage. Either way, you can request them from storage and they'll be brought to Library West within 24 hours, just like before.

But, as you can see, the Request link that you've gotten used to seeing over the past 2 1/2 years is gone!

Click on picture to enlarge

Now to request something from storage, you need click on the "Online Requests" link at the top, right-hand corner of the page in the orange bar.

Click on picture to enlarge

When the page opens, choose George A. Smathers Libraries Forms. When that page opens, scroll down to and click on "Library West" or "Storage" Items. On the next page, click on alternative form. This is the actual form you fill out!

Or this is the URL:

Saturday, September 02, 2006

EBSCOHost & Visual Search

Academic Search Premiere and PsycINFO: A New Visual Search Interface

EBSCOhost changed its interface over the summer, adding an optional "visual search." (The traditional search is still the default, but EBSCOhost has added other features to their traditional search that will also help you.)

The visual search groups articles by subject into a visual map, making it easier to see what you've found at a glance. So if you search for "depression and aging," you might get a result looking like this:

With a traditional search you get a long list of articles, requiring you to browse through pages and pages, looking for what you want. Or you have to know exactly what you want before you start. It's hard to find articles serendipitously.

Get to the visual search page by clicking on the "visual search" tab at the top of the page.

Now you can see your results all at once and get an idea of what all the different articles are about. The circles are sets of articles on a particular topic, as are the spheres inside them. The boxes inside the circles are individual articles.

  • Roll over the boxes, circles, or spheres and you'll get more information about them: their subject terms, their titles, their authors, the journals.
  • Double-click on the the circles or spheres and you'll burrow down another level.
  • Double-click on a box and the article's record, including the abstract, will open on the right side of the page.
  • If you want the record to take up the entire page, just click on the arrows in the middle.
  • You can click on the SFX button to find the e-journal article or check our library catalog for print articles.
It's pretty cool!As usual, let me know if you'd like more information about the interface. If you'd like me to show this to you, your class, your lab, your pet alligator, I'm happy to meet with you.

Especially important: if you use the visual search, let me know if you like it, hate it, find it silly, or the easiest interface you've ever used.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

APA Journals Available Back to Volume 1

American Psychological Association Journals Full Text Available Back to Volume 1
and PsycBooks Online

All APA journals are now available back to Volume 1. This means that some of the older journals go back to around the turn of the 20th century, such as Psychological Review (1894) or the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1906).

Books are online from APA as well. PsycBooks includes both older Classics -- books by Sigmund Freud, Arnold Gesell, and Kenneth Spence -- and recent publications. They are indexed and abstracted by chapter and book in PsycInfo (and on their own website at PsycBooks). Entire chapters can be downloaded, printed, and read in the comfort of your own living room or office. Topics range from child development to neuroscience to behavior modification to psychotherapy to organizational psychology. You might want to look here before you decide whether to invest in that book you were thinking of buying...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Welcome to Library West

Welcome to our newly renovated Library West!

If you are any bit as excited as those of us working inside the library, you are probably drooling to get at the books and other materials. But perhaps wondering where it's all placed right now? I'm happy to show you around, either in groups or individually. Please feel free to call or email me about consultations.
My phone number is 273-2649
My email is